Thursday, 26 August 2010

Posted when?!?!?

As I say, I'm new on here, but my first couple of posts have been shown as posted eight hours ago.  I presume this is American time, but it's clear from my profile I'm English.  Does everyone have this?


  1. Hi, I think you need to change your time zone settings (through the 'dashboard' thingy up there - there's a list of all zones if I recall correctly).
    Congratulations on your launch into the Blogsphere and hope you'll be a very happy blogger!

  2. Many many thanks Debs.
    You're my first commenter - wahay!
    I'm not technically gifted at this, but after 45 mins I discovered how to correct it and now it's done.
    Thanks again and I hope to hear from you occasionally.
